Installation  2007

Technische Umsetzung, Live Performance

Konzept, Performance: Lisa Hinterreithner

Regie: Danielle Ana Füglistaller

Musik: Hüseyn Evirgen

The installation was shown at the “Sommerszene 2006″ at the ARGEkultur Gelände Salzburg, at the “Crossbreeds” Festival 2007 in the WUK in Vienna and at the “Sztuki Tanecznej” Festival in Bytom, Poland 2008. The performance was modified a little each time and the setup had to be changed according to the location.

The projection, a walk-through of some stylized 3D environments, was animated by me in realtime with a gamepad, interacting with the performance of Lisa Hinterreithner.

© 2015 by Tom Stockinger